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With gratitude to:

All the beautiful hearts in my life that help me find my way back to my own.

Sara Ross for showing me time and time again how to be in the world.

My parents for their unfailing support, and for spending more money than anyone would want to imagine on piano lessons for me.

Genny and Melissa for all your love, and for being my target audience of two.

In memory of Steve Sauve, great-heart, for writing poems for girls who wear glasses.

Marie-Soleil Beaudoin, Rebecca Wenham, Rodrigo Perez Chacon, and Bill Piggott for making my life and music beautiful!

Samantha Sinanan for your friendship, for camping trips when we sang so much we barely talked.  For receiving the first drafts of these songs with so much warmth.

Donna Rae Skrypichayko for your boundless creativity and true-hearted generosity.

Jim Thompson and the Vancouver NVC community for existing! and for your practice of compassion.

Steve Babchuk for being a stalwart sounding board, musician, and friend.

Yael Wand, Carter Greeves, Carman Lethbridge, and SOS Music for recording advice and assistance.

Good Heavens to Betsy, Nancy Hay and Tevia Jeffries for vocal support. 

All the volunteers, staff, and teachers at the Westcoast Dharma Society, the BC Insight Meditation Society, Cloud Mountain, and Spirit Rock for keeping the dharma alive and well.


© 2013 by Mina Chung.  All rights reserved.

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